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Research & lectures

Research Interests

Biographer, retrospective curator of American classical master, Paul Cadmus [1904-1999]


Retrospective Catalog, expert knowledge of 20th century figurative arts, egg yolk tempera method used by Magic Realist school. Books, articles, museum exhibition catalogs on Robert Cottingham, Stevan Dohanos, Robert Bizinsky, Colleen Browning, Adolf Dehn, Robert Vickrey and many others. Served as journey, on the beat art critic for daily newspapers, The Connecticut Post, The Stamford Advocate, The Greenwich Time, and art editor for Fairfield Living Magazine (Moffly Media Group). Articles published in: Smithsonian American Art Journal, Art in America, Drawing, Antiques & Fine Art, and the American Arts Quarterly.

Dr. Eliasoph has been invited as guest speaker to:

* The Metropolitan Museum of Art;
* The Whitney Museum of American Art;

* The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art;
* Temple Emanuel - Pacific Heights, San Francisco
* The College Art Association of America
* The American Section of the International Association of Art Critics, [UNESCO]; and many other

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Ph.D. SUNY- Binghamton University, 'Paul Cadmus: Life and Work', With Distinction

M.A. SUNY - Binghamton University, 'Konstantin Melnikov's 1925 Paris Pavilion: Non-Objectivity of Art Decoratif'

B.A. Art and Art History Adelphi College, Summa Cum Laude

Lecture Topics

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“What is GOOD or BAD ART?  Why? Who Decides? How?

“Deconstructing American Art: American Revolution to Cyber Attacks”

“Myths and Images of the Classical World: Jungian Heroes & Modern Dreamscapes

“Artistic Treasures of Medicean Florence: Golden Age of Humanism”

“Jewish Art: From Moses to Modigliani: Beyond the Second Commandment”

“Art and Propaganda: Uses & Abuses of Art for Propaganda”

“Art + Politics + Money: Consumers, Capitalism, and Rogue Connoisseurs of Contemporary Arts”

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